Today is the two year anniversary of this blog!!
The reason I started this blog was to document my evaluation of the Motobecane Fantom 29. When I was looking to buy a mountain bike to vary my fitness regime, I saw that the Fantom 29 seemed like a good deal. However, there were not a lot of reviews. Most of the reviews were from people that did not have the Fantom 29, but rather complained about its quality or support since it was not purchased at a local bike shop.
Some blog statistics:
Number of Followers: (19, I did have 20 at one point but someone dropped out) John Adamo, Blog do Rubinho, Nickie Goomba, SS MtnBiker, Dakota2K1, Vince, frank sieckmann, Shawn, Graceson, Sam, 29erRider, bicyclist124, Daniel Parker, mike cazz, Chip, Igor, Mike, Bradley, Patrick also owns Fantom29.
Number of Followers: (19, I did have 20 at one point but someone dropped out) John Adamo, Blog do Rubinho, Nickie Goomba, SS MtnBiker, Dakota2K1, Vince, frank sieckmann, Shawn, Graceson, Sam, 29erRider, bicyclist124, Daniel Parker, mike cazz, Chip, Igor, Mike, Bradley, Patrick also owns Fantom29.
Thanks for following!
Number of posts: 105 (95 the first year alone because I wrote about every ride)
Number of Comments: 145 (93 the first year) I like comments please keep them coming.
Number of visits: 22,096 (Since February 16, 2008 based on Sitemeter.com)
Countries of visitors: United States, Phillipines, Finland, France, Spain, Portugal, Austrialia, Venuezula, Dubai UAE, Germany, Brazil, Sweden, Mexico, Italy, Belguim, United Kingdom, Poland, Israel, Hungary, Canada, New Zealand, Taiwan
The Motobecane Fantom 29 performed extremely well and has required little maintenance. In the first year most of my blog posts were more about my rides rather than the bike itself.
I have one year of posts that documented every ride I took on the Fantom 29. This should give the reader an idea of how the bike performs and what you can do with it.
Since the first year I have changed up the blog and only post when :
1.) I have a periodic review every 6 months,
2.) There is significant maintenance or
3.) When I ride in a new location that I have not reported on.
Thanks for reading. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
1 comment:
I don't mind hearing about the everyday ride. If you don't want to do a full blog, you can use my fat tire site. I set up an account for you, just let me know and I'll send you the login and password. (or create another account).
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