Today I decided to ride at Warwick Park. Warwick Park is located just south of RT 23 on the French Creek North Branch. According to their website "Warwick’s woodlands provided much of the timber for charcoal used in the early American iron industry. A portion of the French creek meanders through the 538 acre park. An ideal site for nature study, the Horse-Shoe Trail, extending from Valley Forge to the Appalachian Trail, adds length to the numerous miles of multi-use park trails. A children’s play area, picnic pavilions and an informal volleyball court are also available. "

I rode 10.4 miles and the Fantom 29 performed flawlessly. It was a good day for a ride with the temperature in the upper 20's. There was also a light dusting of snow from the flurries we had yesterday.

The trails are wide like those at Springton Manor.

I started up the Charcoal Trail. It is a pretty good hill and corresponding workout.

Then I took the Horseshoe Trail east across Mt Pleasant Road.

Hello Mike,
I notice that you don't use a bike stand. Some of the people I know who mountain bike don't use 'em neither. Any particular reason why not?
Just curious.
I don't use a kickstand on my Fantom 29 or my Raleigh Grand Prix because they add weight,and for the Fantom 29, can get caught on brush in the woods. At home I hand my bikes on a hook in the garage or basement. So a kick stand is really unnecessary.
Probably kickstands are more useful for bikes that you just ride around town.
Hi MIke,
And I thought being macho is the reason for not using a kickstand ;)
I bought a MTBK last Sept, '08. I declined The salesman's offer to sell me a kickstand thinking my friends don't use 'em, so why should I. Later on I found it more convenient to have one on instead of looking around for a spot to rest my bike when I got off it for whatever reason.
Still, my friends don't use 'em. I'm not sure if I'd change my mind about it after I get good at MTBKing.
BTW: I think you are doing a good service to those interested in 29ers, me included.
I hope you continue on with this informative and interesting blog.
Hey Mike,
I think they call that lump in the tree a burl. Some people cut them out and use the sometimes beatifully formed wood inside for crafts and various items like fountain pens and such. Keep up the posting, it's good inspiration for me to start my own 29'er blog.
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