True the wheels: The front wheel was right on. I only had to tweak 2 spokes on the rear wheel
Inspect Chain Stretch: Using a ruler I determined that there is no chain stretch. I place the ruler end at a centerline of a chain link pin and use the ruler to see if the centerline of a pin falls at the 12 inch mark. If the pin near the 12 inch mark is beyond the mark that means the chain has "stretched". Actually what happens is that the individual pivot points wear bigger pivot holes. 1/16 inch is acceptable, 1/8 inch is too much and the chain should be replaced.
Degrease the drive chain:
I removed the chain with the chain tool.
I then put the chain in my parts cleaner with mineral spirits. My parts cleaner is an old coffee cup that has a tight lid. Previously I closed the drinking hole and small vent with silicone caulk.
I shake the chain in the parts cleaner and it removes all of the grit.
I pour the dirty mineral spirits in a glass jar. The grit eventual settles to the bottom and I can reuse the mineral spirits for future cleanings. At some point I will evaporate the mineral spirits and throw out the solid gunk.
I then soak the chain in SAE 30 oil.
This is the chain reinstalled. Nice, clean and well oiled.
Inspect nuts & bolts: Completed with no problems identified
Tighten cranks: Checked tightness and it was OK
Lube cables: I lubed the cables.
Inspect wear of chain rings: Chain rings and cassette were OK
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